Crowne Plaza
5. December, 2019 Belgrade
About Forum
Organized by USAID Cooperation for Growth Project, the first national forum of micro, small and medium enterprises named “SME is MVP” will be held on December 5th in Belgrade.
This is the first time in Serbia that a business forum is fully dedicated to SMEs, emphasizing the importance of developing this segment of the economy and offering concrete solutions for the growth and improvement of their business.
For large number of attending entrepreneurs, representatives of small and medium businesses, the Government, business association and large companies, as well as various business experts, the Forum will present solutions for adequate financing small and medium businesses, advantages of e-commerce, a business model that provides an opportunity for growth and expansion locally and globally.
The unique concept of this event will introduce entrepreneurs to numerous practical and concrete solutions that can be applied right away. In our “Growth zone” exhibition space, created especially for this occasion, more than 25 innovative business solutions will be presented by entrepreneurs from the areas of e-commerce, business management, digital economy, tax regime and financing, as well as financial institutions – banks and investment funds interested in supporting and facilitating the growth of SMEs.
For small and medium businesses, the Forum will be one big answer to an important question “what can I do today, to become a champion tomorrow?”, including changes entrepreneurs themselves can make in their businesses to become more competitive.
WM Equity Partners will present its “SME Finance Support Program” implemented with the support of the USAID CFG Project. All interested parties will be able to schedule a 15-minute meeting with our representatives in the Growth Zone, and to research a solution to improve its business and access to new sources of financing.
Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information.
WM Equity Partners doo Beograd, Srbija
For all information regarding this conference, please visit our website at